Pest and Disease Management

A note to start….

I firmly believe a healthy garden, with healthy soil and a good balance of bugs and critters will cope with various pests and diseases passing through. In particular we need to accept holes and blemishes and cherish them as signs of a vibrant healthy eco-system. However, I am also a horticulturist and know that some things won’t go away on their own without destroying your precious plants. After all, in theory that cold or flu will likely heal itself but we’re often still happy for a little help from the doc at times. I am also very much about education and believe the more you know about methods available and the products you use, the wiser your decisions can be.

I’ve listed many of the common pests and diseases you’re likely to come across in your garden below, with suggested treatments ranging from organic to something a little harder.

Please thoroughly consider whether you need to spray at all, because even with organic treatments there are always casualties (including the good guys). Residues in flower pollen (particularly from systemic treatments) can be picked up by bees and brought back to their hive poisoning whole colonies. Consider the consequences.