Tahitian Lime

(Citrus x latifolia)

Tahitian limes are fat, thin skinned, mostly seedless and super juicy. They’re an excellent lime to grow if you like the juice, and the tree is virtually thornless (compared to other limes!). Use them in cocktails, cooking, marinades - anywhere really!

My Tahitian lime is grafted onto a dwarfing root stock, so in theory should only get 2-3m tall. I have heard though that if they are happy and healthy and planted in the ground, dwarf fruit trees will easily get to 5m! Because of this, and because it’s easier to pick fruit you can reach, I recommend pruning them to a height you can easily pick from, and while you’re at it, pruning the middle of the tree to keep the shape open and allow airflow. This helps reduce pests and disease.

Check out my guide for some tips on growing citrus!

Also, FYI, ripe limes are yellow!

Full Sun, periodic deep watering, feed me!, 2-3m tall.


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