
(Manihot esculenta)

Cassava is a starchy root crop that originates in South America, but it’s an important staple in many countries, particularly Africa. It is super easy to grow - all you need to do is stick a cutting in the ground. The cutting can literally be a stick too - no leaves required! Firm the soil around it and leave to root (you know roots have formed if it resists a gentle tug). Once established I find that cassava doesn’t need much water or particularly rich soil - though they will both help to get a decent root crop. I haven’t harvested my cassava in a few years, and instead love the tree for the bushy habitat it creates for the native noisy miners.

If you do harvest it, make sure you take a few cuttings from your plant and pop them in the ground again for a continual harvest! The roots don’t store long but make delicious chips. Peel, then continue to make ribbons with your peeler. Deep fry in oil and sprinkle with salt!

Full sun, minimal water, up to 4m high (but pruneable!)


Passionfruit Marigold