
(Porophyllum ruderale)

Also known as yerba porosa and bolivian Coriander, papalo is a mexican herb in the daisy (Asteraceae) family that has a similar flavour profile to coriander. I love it on nachos and in tacos. It grows easily and loves the warmer weather (unlike regular coriander) and will happily self seed. On that note, it being investigated as an environmental weed by the Brisbane City Council so if you do grow it, please grow it responsibly and don’t let it escape your garden That being said I have found it very easy to keep under control (just be picky about which flowers go to seed!) and my nachos would not be the same without it.

Papalo has beautiful fan shaped blueish green leaves and can get up to 1.2m high. I do find the stalks are easily blown over though so it holds up better if grown in a sheltered position.

full sun - part shade, most soil types, up to 1.2 m


Mexican Coriander

