Chinese Lantern

(Abutilon sp.)

Also known an flowering maples, because of the shape of their leaves, Chinese lanterns are super hardy, drought tolerant and can spot flower for most of the year. Their main flowering period is in spring and summer and they come in a range of colours - white, pink, red, orange - there’s even one with a variegated leaf. The flowers are almost papery and hang downwards, like lanterns. The shrub is open and airy and even when it’s not in flower, has attractively shaped green leaves.

They are said to like rich well drained soil, but mine are doing just fine in my sandy, at times, quite dry, soil. Once established they are drought tolerant and will take full sun to even part shade. I’ve had great success in transplanting them, and they take well from cuttings. They are in the Malvaceae family (like hibiscus) and the flowers are edible.

full sun/part shade, drought hardy, 1m tall (depends on the variety)


Perennial Basil

