Plant moves
I’ve never lived in a house that has been big enough to move the furniture around in when I needed a ‘new look’. Each time I’ve moved in, pushed the couch and TV against walls so that I can see one from the other and that’s that! Maybe that’s why I love moving plants around the garden so much…
One of my new roses - Brindabella ‘Delicious’
Of course there’s LOTS of reasons to move a plant. Maybe a plant isn’t thriving and isn’t happy where it is, maybe you have another spot that gets more sun, or drains better, or is more protected from the wind? Or maybe you just want the space it’s in for something else.
I have a ‘wall of scent’ down my fence line. Or that was the plan. I ended up with three viburnum which I was told smelled lovely. But they didn’t. They didn’t really smell at all! And then one of them died. And another wasn’t looking great… so… “It’s time to go”.
The dead virburnum. Ain’t nobody got time for dead and dying plants! (especially when you didn’t exactly love them to start with….)
What to fill the space with? It had to be something that smelled good. I have Jasmine, Rondeletia, Murraya, Yesterday Today & Tomorrow (Brunfelsia), Cinnamon and Lemon Myrtle already…. and a rose at the front - which, appropriately has already been moved, twice! It’s thriving where it is though. So I decided on more roses! But I wanted them next to the first one to keep them in blocks, and make sure they get good airflow (super critical in the subtropics). So the YTT had to shift.
(Side note: my house is not the house to visit if you suffer hay fever :) )
Yesterday Today Tomorrow in full bloom last spring.
The cooler months are the perfect time of year to shift plants as they are often slowing down in growth. The day before, give them a good soak so they’re happy and hydrated. Then on the day, make sure you take as much of the root ball as you can and give the top a bit of a prune to reduce the foliage the plant has to support. Trim any damaged roots neatly, water well after planting and fingers crossed!
New roses happily basking in the afternoon sun.
The relocated Yesterday Today & Tomorrow