Pigeon Pea Curry

Pigeon Peas (Cajanus cajan) are a quintessential sub tropical / tropical permaculture plant. They are fast growing ‘pioneer’ plants, easy to grow, providing dappled shade and a source of food for pollinators while you get other larger trees established. They are legumes so they absorb atmospheric nitrogen (a key nutrient for plant growth) and make it available in the soil for other plants. They can be pruned for fodder (if you happen to be keeping goats or cows…), or mulch. And they produce edible pods.

Pigeon pea flowers

I grew mine on a whim, nabbing a dried seed pod from a plant on somebody’s boundary fence. The flowers are pretty and the loose habit of the plant doesn’t dominate. Plus some short lived, fast growing structural height is much appreciated while I get the rest of my garden more established. Winning all round.

Pigeon pea tree exhibited by Chickpea the silkie. Let’s pretend that’s dirt in her feathers and not the leftovers from dust bathing in what I suspect was dog poo….

My first plant was in full bloom by the end of May and last Tuesday I decided to strip the tree of its brown pods. I got a whole basket full which I cajoled my husband into spending some ‘bonding time’ with me shelling them. The whole basket gave 232g. That’s not even a $1.50 bag of split peas…

Luckily they made a delicious curry. I admit I’ll be more likely to make the curry again with two cans of lentils from the shops… but next time I have a good harvest on the tree I’ll think about putting in some effort, because if nothing else, it is SO rewarding to cook what you have grown (and they DO have a particularly good texture, it’s just the question of whether that texture is worth half an hour of picking and an hour of shelling).

Pigeon Pea Curry

232g dried pigeon peas*, soaked overnight

2 brown onions, sliced

olive oil

2 garlic cloves, crushed

2 chillies**, finely chopped

2 tsp curry powder

handful of curry leaves**, chopped

handful of society garlic**, chopped (optional)

1 can coconut milk (270ml)

juice of a lemon**

coriander** and chives**, to serve

Heat a large pan over medium heat. Add a good glug of oil, and the onions and cook until soft. Add the garlic, curry powder, chilli and curry leaves and fry until fragrant. Add the pigeon peas and enough water to just cover. Simmer until soft (~ 1 1/2 hours). Add the coconut milk and continue simmering until reduced a bit.

Serve on rice, with fresh coriander and chives, poppadums and some silver beet** sautéed with garlic and mustard seeds.

*so you probably don’t need EXACTLY 232g… something around there is good.

** not to brag but all of these were from my garden too! :)


Mulch Fiction


Spring bulbs in the Subtropics - Jonquils!